About the program

The International Youth Initiative Program, YIP, is a societal entrepreneurship training, offering a holistic educational program that promotes an expanded global and personal awareness aiming to strengthen young people’s capacity to take initiative in the face of current global challenges. 20-40 participants, between 18 and 28 years old, from all over the world, live, learn and work together for 10 months.

Purpose and Intentions

YIP provides a platform for young people to develop their fullest potential, expand their understanding and find their authentic task in society and the world.

Program overview

The YIP program moves through seven different stages or course blocks. In order to create a holistic education, YIP participants are given an opportunity to dive into different topic areas.

Within each of the seven course blocks are a series of one week-long courses in the morning and afternoon activities that balance intellectual, socio-emotional and practical knowledge. These are listed in the Curriculum section above and Afternoon section below.

The morning courses consist of contributor-led content and afternoon of applied mentor-led practices. These two tracks run throughout the year. They align with the educational principles and aim to practically teach the YIP ethos in an accessible way.

Collaboration and Community Dynamics

Foster a lived understanding of the importance of community. Learn how to harness the power of the collective and work across difference. Develop skills in leadership, facilitation, hosting conversations and visioning.

Collaboration and Community Dynamics

Inner Awareness

Engage in a path of inner investigation to become aware of your own story, struggles and strivings to then step consciously into your full potential as a creative and unique individual. Begin a Personal Initiative project that you work with throughout the year.

Inner Awareness

Global Realities

Be inspired by internationally acclaimed doers and innovators who offer an overview of some of our current global challenges. Activate your capacity to positively contribute to today's changing world.

Global Realities


Experience a network, enterprise or organization that has positive social, political or environmental change at its core. Develop interest and wonder in the diversity of human capacity whilst maintaining a personal intention.


Self Designed Curriculum Weeks

Enjoy the opportunity to co-design your own curriculum, whether this means inviting contributors of your choice or engaging in group inspired educational action and travel. Work on a Personal Initiative.

Self Designed Curriculum

Integration & Transition

Consciously reflect on your journey throughout the year and create clarity for your next steps. Finalize and present your Personal Initiative. Dive into the beautiful North Swedish water, and witness a midnight sun during the Outdoor Experience.

Integration and Transition

Afternoon Program

The afternoon activities are generally more hands on and practical. They are intended to balance out the more academic morning courses and be in support of output, rather than input. Each day has its specific theme and title and is split into two time-slots. The activities of the afternoons change each module.



In the Autumn and Spring each Monday afternoon will be spent in the YIP garden.

*Each second week there is a house meeting to organize and discuss the running of the shared house.


Team work

The time is for preparing the internship and other group projects where YIP participants will work as a whole group and in smaller teams.



YIP participants choose the creative and practical activities they wish to engage with. These may include:

  • Metal Work - Work with blacksmithing and create jewellery and other pieces.
  • Art Therapy - Take part in a therapeutic art-based process.
  • Wood Work - Learn how to work with wood, hand tools and design.


Check in groups

Check-in groups are established at the beginning of the year and consist typically of 6-10 participants and one member of the organizing team. It offers a smaller and more individual setting to discuss and share anything that you meet, learn and experience.


Community Meeting

Both the participants and organizers come together each week for a Community Meeting. A typical meeting is used to look back on the past week, to look ahead to the next week and to announce and discuss any community issues and concerns. In addition it offers a platform for sharing and learning about what it takes to be a community living together for 10 months.

Other activities


YIP acknowledges the need in any adult education today to offer tailored developmental support to its participants. It does this in the form of Biographical Counselling offered by Annie Meijer, an accredited counsellor and adult educator. The outer supports and securities in life often no longer hold and withstand the awakening inner realities that shake us. This asks from us that we find a new ground within ourselves to build confidence for our future. Biographical Counselling supports this process by enabling participants to step into dialogue with their own Biography, to release forces trapped in previous experience and to step into the future with courage and capacity knowing the value and worth of their unique journey.

extra curricular

On most evenings there is space for countless self-organised extra-curricular activities such as sports, theatre, music etc.

this years curriculum

Date/Time Event
04 Sep - 08 Sep
Week 36
From Local to Global

From Local to Global

With: Various

11 Sep - 15 Sep
Week 37


With: Teater Sláva

18 Sep - 22 Sep
Week 38
Gardening Week

Gardening Week

With: Thomas Luthi and Aleksa

25 Sep - 29 Sep
Week 39
Connecting Across Difference: Developing an Anti-Bias Outlook and Practice Course
02 Oct - 06 Oct
Week 40
Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter Course
09 Oct - 13 Oct
Week 41
Action Based Prototyping

Action Based Prototyping

With: Brenno Kaschner Russo

16 Oct - 20 Oct
Week 42
Intro to Entrepreneurial Project Skills Course
23 Oct - 27 Oct
Week 43
Autumn Break

Autumn Break


30 Oct - 03 Nov
Week 44
Moving in Complexity

Moving in Complexity

With: Movement Vilnius

Open Course
06 Nov - 10 Nov
Week 45
Biography week

Biography week

With: Annie Meijer

13 Nov - 17 Nov
Week 46
Anthroposophical Anthropology

Anthroposophical Anthropology

With: Luc Vandecasteele

Open Course
13 Nov - 17 Nov
Week 46
The Art of Sculpture

The Art of Sculpture

With: Barbara Schnetzler

20 Nov - 24 Nov
Week 47
Portrait Painting

Portrait Painting

With: Rachel Ingvad

Open Course
27 Nov - 01 Dec
Week 48
Light Festival

Light Festival

With: Organising Team

04 Dec - 08 Dec
Week 49
Self Designed Curriculum and Personal Initiative Kickstart Week Course
11 Dec - 17 Dec
Week 50
The Art of Storytelling

The Art of Storytelling

With: Jappe Delva, Louise Larock and Jacob

18 Dec - 02 Jan
Week 51
Winter Break

Winter Break


03 Jan - 05 Jan
Week 01
Review Inner Awareness and Kickstart Global Realities Course
08 Jan - 12 Jan
Week 02
Governance, Law & Economics

Governance, Law & Economics

With: Gerald Häfner and Theo Fischer

Open Course
15 Jan - 19 Jan
Week 03
Values & Economics

Values & Economics

With: Theo Fischer and Corrina Zuckerman

Open Course
22 Jan - 26 Jan
Week 04
Beyond Narratives: War & Conflict

Beyond Narratives: War & Conflict

With: Christianne Aikins and Nikolas Bieleit-Medicus

29 Jan - 02 Feb
Week 05
Being Human in a Technological Age

Being Human in a Technological Age

With: Dr. Gopi Krishna Vijaya and Elias Romualdez

Open Course
05 Feb - 09 Feb
Week 06
Delicate Activism

Delicate Activism

With: Allan Kaplan

12 Feb - 16 Feb
Week 07
Biodiversity, Food Sovereignty and Regeneration Open Course
19 Feb - 23 Feb
Week 08
Review, Final Prep, Internship Departures Course
26 Feb - 05 Apr
Week 09


With: Yippies

08 Apr - 09 Apr
Week 15
Internship Presentations Community
10 Apr - 12 Apr
Week 15
Review Internships and Kickstart the Self Designed Curriculum Course
15 Apr - 19 Apr
Week 16


With: TBC

22 Apr - 26 Apr
Week 17
Gardening Week

Gardening Week

With: Thomas Luthi and Aleksa

29 Apr - 24 May
Week 18
Self-Designed Curriculum Course
29 May - 31 May
Week 22
Personal Initiative Presentations Community
03 Jun - 10 Jun
Week 23
Review & Outdoor Experience

Review & Outdoor Experience

With: Organizing Team and Yippies

12 Jun - 20 Jun
Week 24
Closing & Celebration Week

Closing & Celebration Week

With: Yippies and Organizing Team


Date/Time Event
04 Sep - 08 Sep
Week 36
From Local to Global

From Local to Global

With: Various

11 Sep - 15 Sep
Week 37


With: Teater Sláva

18 Sep - 22 Sep
Week 38
Gardening Week

Gardening Week

With: Thomas Luthi and Aleksa

25 Sep - 29 Sep
Week 39
Connecting Across Difference: Developing an Anti-Bias Outlook and Practice Course
02 Oct - 06 Oct
Week 40
Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter Course
09 Oct - 13 Oct
Week 41
Action Based Prototyping

Action Based Prototyping

With: Brenno Kaschner Russo

16 Oct - 20 Oct
Week 42
Intro to Entrepreneurial Project Skills Course
23 Oct - 27 Oct
Week 43
Autumn Break

Autumn Break


30 Oct - 03 Nov
Week 44
Moving in Complexity

Moving in Complexity

With: Movement Vilnius

Open Course
06 Nov - 10 Nov
Week 45
Biography week

Biography week

With: Annie Meijer

13 Nov - 17 Nov
Week 46
Anthroposophical Anthropology

Anthroposophical Anthropology

With: Luc Vandecasteele

Open Course
13 Nov - 17 Nov
Week 46
The Art of Sculpture

The Art of Sculpture

With: Barbara Schnetzler

20 Nov - 24 Nov
Week 47
Portrait Painting

Portrait Painting

With: Rachel Ingvad

Open Course
27 Nov - 01 Dec
Week 48
Light Festival

Light Festival

With: Organising Team

04 Dec - 08 Dec
Week 49
Self Designed Curriculum and Personal Initiative Kickstart Week Course
11 Dec - 17 Dec
Week 50
The Art of Storytelling

The Art of Storytelling

With: Jappe Delva, Louise Larock and Jacob

18 Dec - 02 Jan
Week 51
Winter Break

Winter Break


03 Jan - 05 Jan
Week 01
Review Inner Awareness and Kickstart Global Realities Course
08 Jan - 12 Jan
Week 02
Governance, Law & Economics

Governance, Law & Economics

With: Gerald Häfner and Theo Fischer

Open Course
15 Jan - 19 Jan
Week 03
Values & Economics

Values & Economics

With: Theo Fischer and Corrina Zuckerman

Open Course
22 Jan - 26 Jan
Week 04
Beyond Narratives: War & Conflict

Beyond Narratives: War & Conflict

With: Christianne Aikins and Nikolas Bieleit-Medicus

29 Jan - 02 Feb
Week 05
Being Human in a Technological Age

Being Human in a Technological Age

With: Dr. Gopi Krishna Vijaya and Elias Romualdez

Open Course
05 Feb - 09 Feb
Week 06
Delicate Activism

Delicate Activism

With: Allan Kaplan

12 Feb - 16 Feb
Week 07
Biodiversity, Food Sovereignty and Regeneration Open Course
19 Feb - 23 Feb
Week 08
Review, Final Prep, Internship Departures Course
26 Feb - 05 Apr
Week 09


With: Yippies

08 Apr - 09 Apr
Week 15
Internship Presentations Community
10 Apr - 12 Apr
Week 15
Review Internships and Kickstart the Self Designed Curriculum Course
15 Apr - 19 Apr
Week 16


With: TBC

22 Apr - 26 Apr
Week 17
Gardening Week

Gardening Week

With: Thomas Luthi and Aleksa

29 Apr - 24 May
Week 18
Self-Designed Curriculum Course
29 May - 31 May
Week 22
Personal Initiative Presentations Community
03 Jun - 10 Jun
Week 23
Review & Outdoor Experience

Review & Outdoor Experience

With: Organizing Team and Yippies

12 Jun - 20 Jun
Week 24
Closing & Celebration Week

Closing & Celebration Week

With: Yippies and Organizing Team




The program is based in Järna, Sweden, beautifully situated 55km south of Stockholm by the Järna Fjord on the Baltic Sea. With its numerous initiatives, businesses and organizations, it forms an amazing and inspiring landscape of people’s visions being put into practice. Each of the surrounding places, be it the biodynamic farms, the curative homes, the alternative bank, the mill, the cultural center etc. have an exemplary character in and of themselves. Luckily these are all situated in a radius of about 10km.

Participants live together in "Tallevana" one of the houses of the Ytterjärna Campus.

The courses happen inside this building, "The Hive".


Curious to see what societal entrepreneurship looks like on a daily basis? In a new culture? Working alongside peers and innovators?

The internship offers the possibility to work with an organization/business/initiative that is seeking to implement the ethics, motives and ways of being and working that we explore during YIP. This experience gives the participants a real-life, on the ground experience of what it can look like to implement an initiative that strives to take on one of today’s challenges in the world.

The internship is integrated in the curriculum following global realities, personal awareness, collaboration and community dynamics and working on initiatives as a group. Participants have explored collaboration and have experience working as a group of up to 40 people and within their teams.

The YIP participants are the co-designers of their learning journey during the internship in a group of 3 - 7 participants. During this design they focus on their personal Intention, group Intention, and needs of the place.


Educational Support in areas of vulnerability

Host Organization: Monte Azul
Geographic Location: Brasil


Threefolding Grassroots Organizing and Cultural Initiatives in Community

Host Organization: Elderberries 3fold Cafe
Geographic Location: United States of America


Physical Movement/Literacy, Communication and Expression as Human Beings

Host Organization: Movement Vilnius
Geographic Location: Lithuania


Biodynamic Farming and Social Entrepreneurship

Host Organization: Holy Green Agro Farm
Geographic Location:  Nepal


Sustainable Farming, Seed Saving, Earth Democracy

Host Organization: Navdanya
Geographic Location: India


Waldorf Inspired Education, Biodynamic Farming and Community Outreach

Host Organization: Kufunda Village
Geographic Location: Zimbabwe


Cultural Scene Development and Community Building

Host Organizations: TaM
Geographic Location: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria


Climate Action, Creative Arts, Environmental Activism

Host Organization: Open Source Arts Geographic Location: Leeds, UK


Waldorf Inspired Kindergarten and Elementary School

Host Organization: Hebat El Nile
Geographic Location: Egypt


All eligible participants will receive a Certificate of Completion at the year’s end. In addition all participants will receive an individual portfolio with Certificates of Qualification from each completed course during the program. The YIP Certificates of Qualification comply with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS.) They do not grant any direct academic degree. In the past participants have been able to use their YIP certificates towards credits for their bachelor and/or master programs. 

Through our partnership with Alanus University, all credits are accepted and credited for the BA in Social Entrepreneurship.

Costs, Terms and conditions

Program costs and finances

The YIP Program Cost is SEK 125.000 per participant for the whole 10 month program period, including travel to and from the internship location.

Specifically, it includes:

  • The Program: courses, course materials and evening activities
  • Food: organic meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner from Monday – Friday, not including holidays)
  • Accommodation (single-sex twin-share bedrooms on campus)
  • Travel: travel to and from internship
  • Transportation (in connection with the curriculum)

If your financial situation is a barrier to your applying for YIP, please click here to find tips on financing your YIP Year, as well as the diversity fund.

Program Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions YIP16