YIP Newsletter January 2019 – Stories, tales and permaculture design

Greetings from sunny Scotland that feels a little more like fall than winter.  Small flowers are growing and trees still blossoming, yet we were lucky to have a few days of snow for sledding and snow angels. The January newsletter comes later than expected as we wanted to include our reflections on the four week Permaculture Design in full as …

YIP Newsletter- Live Links from December

Hello dear everyone, Cheerful January!  We are re-sending the links from the December newsletter as they are now live and functioning. Thank you to everyone who notified us of this error and our apologies for any confusion. Please go ahead and take a look at the Internship Fundraising page and the Initiative Forum. Internship Fundraising We want to learn, we want …

Newsletter December 2018

Cheerful December and greetings from Findhorn, Scotland where we are currently on our outpost. During these dark days we are finding light in the sunny mid mornings that gasp an orange glow across the sandy bay and ocean. If you look out into the ocean you find seals bobbing along You can hear the birds chirp and breathe in the …

Newsletter October 2018

During the past weeks the scenery around us has changed quite drastically. The trees went from green to red, orange and yellow and now, in the cold autumn winds and the brilliant sun the last are falling to the ground. The sunlight is slowly leaving us in the evenings and mornings. This outside change marks the ending of the first …

Newsletter September 2018

After a long, warm summer, full of (re) connecting and initiatives, YIP 11 has started. Twenty five young people have travelled from all over the world to spend the next 10 months together as a learning community. The first courses have started and the group is very enthusiastic to learn. Newsletter Contents: 1) Arriving at YIP2) This is YIP11!3) Opening …

Closing The Circle

As mid-summer draws in we get closer and closer to the closing of YIP10. From Initiative Weeks, to Personal Project Presentation & Outdoor Experience, the group find themselves on a crescendo of initiative. But before being propelled into the world away from YIP, all of us start to prepare ourselves for closing the time together. As I write this excerpt, there is less than one week until …

Taking Initiative

Spring finally hits Ytterjärna with force, the days are growing longer, night falls now around 10:30pm and the nightingales sing out their hearts in the dwindling darkness. The YIP community is full of energy and good thing too! Because this portion of the curriculum is all about taking initiative. YIP10 puts into practise the skills they’ve been harnessing throughout the year; …

Returning Home

  It’s been two weeks now since all the Yippies have returned to Ytterjärna after 5 months, since they set off to the Brazil Outpost and journeyed onward to their International Internships. There’s a felt sense of relief as the group is finally all together again, in one big house, surrounded by the peaceful and familiar setting they call “home”. The fjord …

Internship Special

Last month the YIP community bade a farewell to their collegues in Piracanga as well as each other, breaking up into internship groups, they began the next phase of their YIP experience. This newsletter aims to give a special insight into each of the internship groups.At the end of the newsletter there is a short introduction to the current situation with …

Reflecting on the past months…

Bruna’s Thoughts The month of January flew by and with it the time of YIP in Brazil came to and end. Most of the YIPUNI participants experienced a roller coaster of emotions during the Playing for Change weeks, as they described. As part of the YIP organizing team and as a person who decided to join the challenge given by …