Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find an answer to your questions here, please contact us!


What kinds of Criteria are used when considering Applicants?

Although there are many criteria, we generally look at the application of each individual to see if YIP seems to be a good fit, and also if the individual will be a good fit for YIP. Because it is a very intensive program, both academically and socially, it is important that the application reflects a true wish to engage fully in all aspects of the YIP program, including the courses, community life, and one’s own ability to take initiative and be self-motivated throughout the year.

I’m not 18 years old, but I’ll turn 18 during the time I’m at YIP. Can I still participate?

No. We require that our participants are 18 years old upon entering the program. This may be a disappointing answer for you, however, you are welcome to apply next year.

I will turn 29 during the program, can I still apply?

No. YIP participants must be between the ages of 18-28 during the program.

Must I include all of the application attachments when I send my application?

Yes. With the exception that native English speakers do not need to submit the Certificate of Proficiency in English, all Required Application Attachments are expected and must be supplied. If you are somehow unable to provide one or more of the attachments in time before the closing date, please contact us well in advance. Although we cannot promise anything, we might find an alternate or temporary solution.

May the Reference Letters be Sent Separately?

Yes – they must. Reference Letters must be sent to us by your referees ([email protected]) and should not be included in your email with the other supplementary documents.


Am I required to take a qualified English test, like IELTS or TOFEL?

No. Although we require you to be able to speak, read, write, and understand English at least on an intermediary level, we do not require an official english certification like IELTS or TOFEL. What we ask of our non-native english speaking students is that they have a certified English teacher complete the English Proficiency Form that is found along with the YIP application. This can be done by someone who you judge can objectively determine your current level of written, spoken and oral English proficiency.

Money and Financing

Why is YIP so expensive?

The fee for YIP (SEK 120,000 excluding the application fee and reservation fee) is based on the minimum costs for each participant to be at YIP for the 10 month program. These costs cover food (excluding weekends), lodging, courses, materials, and curriculum related travel and international learning placement expenses. We recognize the importance of diversity, and we do everything we can to make YIP accessible to all students of all backgrounds, countries, and socioeconomic situations. We fully understand that the cost of YIP poses a challenge for many, and (once accepted to YIP) we do our best to support individuals in their fundraising endeavours. Feel free to read our Tips for Financing your YIP Year and have a look at our Diversity Fund.

Are Swedish Participants supported by CSN?

No. It is currently not possible to receive funding through CSN when studying at YIP. Efforts are ongoing to re-establish this possibility for Swedish Participants.


Do I need to have a specific idea for an individual project before I apply for YIP?

No. YIP welcomes both, individuals who have clear initiatives and ideas for projects, as well as those who need time and space to find these through the YIP program. Throughout the course of the year you will work on an individual project, but do not need to know your theme or subject beforehand, as these projects very often relate to the themes and questions that you will work with and carry throughout your YIP experience.