Yu-Hsiu Huang
Yu–Show (Yu-Hsiu Huang) is a storyteller, eurythmist, choir singer and workshop facilitator. She runs workshops mainly based on biographical storytelling/storytelling in imagination, with a combination of body movements.
Yu–Show was a participant of YIP during 2017-2018, where she was very fascinated by the power of stories and the biography work! In 2019, following this call from life, she left her bachelor study in Taiwan behind and went to UK for the three months Storytelling Beyond Words course, afterwards continue developing herself with the eurythmy study at the Alanus Hochschule. Currently (2022) she is still studying eurythmy at the Hogeschool Leiden and is starting the Biography work training.
Born and raised in Taiwan, and having spent the recent years in Sweden, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Yu–Show is keen on being the bridge builder for bringing people from different ages and cultures together, using the magic of stories to encourage individuals to realise their own uniqueness and gifts, with her love of meeting people and seeing the truth of the individual.
“My project is about creating safe social spaces, where people can feel comfortable to fully express themselves, meet and truly see each other in a honest and health way.”
“Everybody has some stories to tell, are you ready to tell me yours?
Let’s find a moment to sit together during Fika! 🙂 “