Tessa van Ruitenbeek

Tessa - Netherlands

My concern for the climate and ecological crisis together with my motivation to contribute to a solution made me decide to study Environmental Sciences in the Netherlands. During my studies I focussed on processes happening in soil, water, atmosphere, and mostly on soil chemistry and soil biology. My studies gave me a more negative view on humans, which affected my way of living. After graduation, I decided to come to YIP, which has been, and still is, a journey of healing my relationship with the world. YIP gave me back the trust in our species and in myself. I believe that it’s me who needs to transform my worries for the state of the world into a force for positive change.

My interests lie in diversity agriculture (especially soil and plant ecology) and nourishing foods. During YIP I’ve been exploring the bubbly and exciting world of fermentation.

By volunteering at YIP, I hope to give more young and motivated people the opportunity to search for their role in this world, whilst feeling held and supported by a wider community.