Sarah Box

I am a mother of three, guardian of women-, mother-daughter- and musical circle practices. I work as a Waldorfschool kindergarten teacher and as a guest teacher (communication) at the Waldorf school teacher training in Holland. I’m passionate about rethinking education and exploring what skills and qualities serve small humans growing up to be grounded, free thinking individuals equipped to help humanity navigate towards a peaceful and connected life on earth. I love to explore the meaning and joy that comes with living on earth in a physical body; The great wheel of the year (which details the eight pagan sabbats that are linked with the years changing seasons) and the rites of passage (Birth, Menarche, Motherhood, Death, etc.) are dear topics in this investigation.

Another fascination of mine is conflict and connection between human beings. Since 2018 I’ve been dedicated to learn the language of Non-Violent Communication (including year-long trainings for trainer and mediator with Connecting to Life institute for NVC). The language of NVC offers me an effective instrument to create opportunities for connection and clarity and the trust that I can meet to the humanity of others in every possible situation. It’s my dream that every human being is offered to learn NVC as a language of life and peace.