Kaya Lichtenauer

Kaya lived most of her life in a city called Freiburg, in the south of Germany. Here she grew up in a sustainable ecological neighbourhood with access to nature and a lot of freedom for kids and young adults. She loved going for walks with dogs and for small adventures with friends whenever there was time outside of school.

After graduating school in 2020 she went for work and travel in europe and met the joy of working, living and learning together with opther young people.
Coming back home from the travel brought up a lot of questions in her and after struggeling to find her way back to life she decided to go to YIP in 2022.

Being part of YIP15 was a rich and important experience for her. It brought back her orientation and a lot of new inspirations as well as many important connections.
A lot of the experiences are still part of her life, which is why she decided to come back to Ytterjärna for the last two months of YIP16 to work and help as a volunteer.

„ It warms my heart and motivates me a lot to see a group of young peolple going through similar, suprises, struggles and growth as I did last year.
I think especially the last two months of YIP can be a very important time for the participants. Full of life and energy, but also shaped by the approaching end and some uncertainty about the future. I want to support the Yippies as much as I can in this period!“