Kiara Nagel
Kiara Nagel is a creative strategist based in Los Angeles with 20 years of experience building creative and collaborative initiatives and supporting social groups, leaders, and organizations to become more engaged and effective. Kiara often delivers facilitation and consulting services to foster collaboration, grow healthy organizations, and support equitable community development. At the core of her diverse body of work is a dedication to ensuring those most affected are directly engaged in decision-making about how their places can be shaped, understood and represented. Kiara has contributed to many local, national and international initiatives focused on social justice and transformational change and trained and supported organizers, educators, and young people to be more effective and creative in their work. Kiara currently serves as faculty at Antioch University in Los Angeles and The International Youth Initiative Program (YIP) in Sweden. She is an Associate with the Center for Story-based Strategy and an Affiliate with Interaction Institute for Social Change and she holds a Masters in City Planning from the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT.