Kailea Frederick | YIP - The International Youth Initiative Program

Kailea Frederick

Kailea Frederick is an alumni of the International Youth Initiative Program. In 2015 she received a certificate of completion for the course – Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities: The Quest for Safe and Just Development on a Resilient Planet through, The Stockholm Resilience Center and SDSN.edu. In 2016 she attended the International Climate Talks as an official US youth delegate and was invited to be a Spiritual Ecology Fellow through support from the Kalliopeia Foundation. Over the last 6 years, she has worked for numerous organizations and projects that focus on climate and community resiliency. She is a current board member with Black Mountain Circle where she advises program development and a participant with Weaving Earth- Center for Relational Education.


The International Youth Initiative Program - Kulturcentrum Järna 13 - SE-15391 Järna - info@yip.se

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