Jennie Rehbinder

Since her early youth, Jennie has been engaged in meditation, yoga and other spiritual disciplines, exploring different paths to personal development and inner growth. Being a staunch non-sectarian, Jennie never joined any religious group, but rather stuck to her eclectic search for truth and substance.

Through her relationship with Calle Rehbinder (they met and became a couple in 2001, married 2003), she also found a way in to shamanistic practices and Scandinavian paganism, and both together with Calle and on her own she has arranged numerous ceremonies.

Since 2004 Jennie also teaches about sex, love and relationships, together with her husband, primarily through their workshops, but also through coaching and writing.

Together Jennie and Calle have explored the varied aspects of sexual magic and the practice of tantric techniques and philosophy, something they also practice and teach in their workshops.

Jennie is also a licensed physiotherapist, and a professional photographer. For three years she worked as an assistant to Walter Hirsch, one of Sweden’s most renowned photographers, famous for his strongly emotional erotic and nude photos.

Jennie is a very appreciated sex and relationship teacher, most of all for her generousness and natural ability to share her own experiences in complete openness, as well as for her skill to create a space filled with beauty, comfort and safety.