Christianne Aikins

Christianne is an educator, facilitator, and ‘development practitioner’ based in Beirut, leveraging participatory approaches to support security sector reform with police and military, primarily in Lebanon and Jordan, and engages with civil society in support of peacebuilding and social cohesion programming. Through these collaborations, Christianne has worked with police, civil society, and judiciary from a range of countries, including the UK, Sweden, Colombia, Serbia, and Libya. Previously, Christianne focused on environmental justice, working across Asia and the Americas with government, nonprofits, and grassroots organizations to enhance food security, build climate resilience, and promote sustainable development using a complex systems approach in countries such as Afghanistan, Tonga, Guatemala, Laos, and the Philippines.

Though it is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of delivery, Christianne strives to bridge the vision and analytical power of theory with the frustrating and inspiring realities of practice. As a big believer in education as a transformative process, Christianne has also developed educational programs and facilitated workshops on a range of topics, including: climate change, war and conflict, race, gender, and political economy. These include programs for civil society organisations, the Swedish Policing Authority, the National Environmental Protection Agency of Afghanistan, UC Berkeley, various National Meteorological Services in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, and youth programs in the US and Sweden.