Brenno Kaschner Russo

Brenno works with the technology of connection for unleashing collective potential. From Belgium to India, Russia to China, he has led mission towards innovation in over 17 countries, with a focus on Europe and Asia, developing and implementing transformative processes to activate collaboration. Researcher of dialogue and the group mind he believes we need to re-learn to listen in order to make good decisions and accomplish goals with others; ultimately shifting culture and tapping into creativity. 

He grew up in Rio de Janeiro in a Brazilian-German-Italian family home and has lived in Europe for 14 years, acquiring a background in Arts & Communication Design (University of the Arts London), Societal Entrepreneurship (YIP Sweden: Year 2), Philosophy & Reflection of Culture (Universität Witten/Herdecke Germany, BA) and Cultural Management (ISCTE Lisbon, MSc). Brenno founded THE DIALOGUE LAB, a laboratory for collective competence, and his method has activated communities within EIT Climate-KIC, SIETAR Europa and the first ever joint-venture of six Goethe-Institut global regions. Together with his partner and their daughter, he has been based in Lisbon and the Alentejo region of Portugal since 2017.