Annie Meijer

Annie Meijer (BA, MSc, BACPaccred) is a Biographical Counsellor and Biography work facilitator and trainer. She has run accredited trainings in Biographical Counselling in the UK and has facilitated many Biography groups. She also works as a consultant supporting companies to design professional development courses for their employees.

Working with Biography – Finding our Place in Life

Everyone’s biography is a unique story of unfolding events, relationships, hindrances, talents, turning points, drama and longings.  Every phase of development poses its characteristic questions.

How can we read the language of the events and circumstances that weave the thread that runs through our biography, revealing intention and meaning?  How can we become the writers of our own story and so shape our future more responsibly and creatively?

Many people today live with existential questions which are often the starting point of a search for a deeper and more conscious understanding of their own life. In an increasingly global and multi-faceted society the challenges and choices we face can seem vast and overwhelming; we struggle with where and how we can best direct our capacities and talents. When we come into dialogue with our biography and listen to how another’s life has unfolded, we start to see and appreciate the hurdles and opportunities that our life presents to us. Our interest in others and the world expands and we get in touch with our capacity for initiative and where and in what manner this can be applied. In this way we begin to find our valued and meaningful place in the world.

In this course there will be talks on various aspects of biography work and human development, e.g., biography work in relation to the awakening of a new consciousness, the psychological and spiritual challenges of our times, phases and rhythms of life, trauma, crisis, relationships and initiative in biographical development. There will be speaking and listening exercises to facilitate the process of working on one’s biography together with others.  This will be supported by movement improvisation, artistic and observation exercises.