Ami Cochrane

Ami grew up in Australia and Japan, and attended Waldorf schools K-12. Upon graduating, her wish to help conserve the wild led her to study Animal Ecology. Questioning the reductionist approach of modern Science and hoping to gain a more holistic understanding of the world and herself, she travelled to Sweden and enrolled in YIP. At YIP, she developed a growing interest in Anthroposophy and Goethean science. This led her to the Geotheanum in Switzerland where she studied ‘The Goetheanistic Approaches to Science, Art and Social Life.’ She experienced how the arts can enrich and deepen the understanding of theoretical content. Further, it awakened a curiosity in forms of non-verbal expression and their potential to reveal what can be difficult to feel and express through words. 

With a new found curiosity in the role of art in education, Ami is exploring ways to support the unfolding of each individual’s unique potential to be in service of the world.

She is currently back in Sweden, working as part of the Organising Team of YIP.