Transition Week | YIP - The International Youth Initiative Program

Transition Week

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16 Nov - 19 Nov - 08:45 - 17:30

During this time the Organizing Team and YIP participants will have a full week of looking back, getting ready and moving to Scotland, the Outpost location. Individual and collective learning processes will support reflection, integration, and application of knowledge gained in the global realities and inner awareness courses. At the same time, Yippies will be packing, cleaning and preparing for an epic over-land adventure by bus, train, and boat.

YIP participants and Organizing team members will arrive in Scotland and settle into their new environment. Local contributors will host activities to meet the land, people, and new daily rhythms. After a few days to settle in and orient, the curriculum will continue with contributors from the Inner Awareness block.

The International Youth Initiative Program - Kulturcentrum Järna 13 - SE-15391 Järna -

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