Local to Global

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05 Sep - 09 Sep - 08:45 - 12:30

The course ‘From Local to Global’ is the first course of the Global Realities module. In this course, we will explore some of the global challenges that humanity is facing today through the local context. We will visit various initiatives in Järna and hear from experts about their field of work and how it relates and contributes to the local and global realities.

In YIP we understand the world as one interconnected living organism in which every singular part is connected to the whole and every individual act has an impact on the collective. The course ‘From Local to Global’ aims to bring an understanding of how individuals representing different fields of our society are working locally to combat some of the global challenges of our time.

We will hear from experts working with: Soil and Water; The health system, Agriculture; Ethical Banking; Curative Education and Culture. For each of these fields the representatives will be asked to share from their own experience and passion about their local initiative, what questions of our time are at the center of their work, how they and their work see and experience the global challenge related to it, how the work is impacted by the global challenges and how they hope to work with these global challenges through their initiative.

This course week gives the participants the opportunity to orient themselves into the rich and active lands and communities in the local area and to gain an understanding of how we can work from local to global.