The Art of Dialogue | YIP - The International Youth Initiative Program

The Art of Dialogue

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10 Jan - 14 Jan - 08:45

In this course we will explore and practice an essential life skill for every human being on the planet, regardless of what role we take on in the world: communication. The inspiration for this course comes from Nonviolent communication, developed by the international Peacemaker and psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. NVC is widely used all around the globe as a tool for communication, conflict resolution, mediation, coaching and self-development.

By exploring the basics of NVC as a language and intention we unlock a simple, powerful and very effective tool  that can support us to improve our communication skills in all our relationships. NVC offers insight to what creates conflicts and misunderstandings in our daily lives and offers ways of listening and expressing to move from conflict to creativity and clarity.

We will explore and touch on how empathic listening can support us to connect with what people want to express regardless of how they express it, how we can hold space for anger, fear and hurt in ourselves and others, how we can support ourselves and others to move from conflict to creativity, how we can express radical honesty in a way that invites cooperation and brings clarity, and more! 

During our week together we will dive in the theory of NVC and you will be invited to practice with examples from your life in the form of demonstrations, role play and exercises to begin to integrate the language of NVC.

Sarah Box

I am a mother of three, guardian of women-, mother-daughter- and musical circle practices. I work as a Waldorfschool kindergarten teacher and as a guest teacher (communication) at the Waldorf school teacher training in Holland. I’m passionate about rethinking education and exploring what skills and qualities serve small humans growing up to be grounded, free thinking individuals equipped to help …

The International Youth Initiative Program - Kulturcentrum Järna 13 - SE-15391 Järna -

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