Initiative Forum

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26 Feb - 02 Mar - 00:00

The Initiative Forum is a 5 day event for between 150 and 250 young people designed and hosted by the participant group on the larger campus in Ytterjärna, Sweden. In YIP12 and YIP13 the event took place online due to COVID19 restrictions. It is designed, budgeted, marketed and hosted in its entirety by the YIP cohort.

During the AoH week, the participants enter a theme identification process guided by the Art of hosting in which the participant cohort find a theme that the group would like to centre the event around.

The participants are then facilitated by the organising team to learn how to work with the marketing platforms in place, how to manage the online ticket sales and introduced to the various tasks involved in event management: food ordering, food raising and catering, accommodation and building use and contracts, contributor travel booking and hosting, co-hosting of the day program and cultural evening event planning and logistics etc.

Once the event is launched online, the group establishes working groups to work with the various tasks. The participants design the flow of the event, book contributors and cultural artists, work with the budget, food raise and prep the menu and much more. The organising team are available during these times to offer their support.

Follow this link to see what YIP14 created –