Ishaan Aggarwal
Ishaan is an activist-ecologist based in Goa (India) curating un/learning programmes to respond creatively-critically to the polycrisis. He is interested in the poetics and politics of kinship, and supporting relational infrastructures for collective wellbeing and responding to the ecocide around us. At Dancing with Mountains, he works with Dr Bayo Akomolafe in co-sensing the Mycelium, a planetary network for convening more-than-human possibilities, and convening social experimentation projects as part of the wayfinding towards liberatory presents and just futures. He was a founding member for Extinction Rebellion India in 2019 and is now involved in supporting social movements in India resisting the onslaught of modern hegemonic Indian systems. Ishaan is also a Post Growth Fellow (’24), and a weaver at center for spiritual ecology, Bengaluru. He studied Engaged Ecology at Schumacher College, UK.