Delicate Activism

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05 Feb - 09 Feb - 08:45 - 12:30

A Delicate Activism. (Named after Goethe’s ‘delicate empiricism’), also a reflective social practice (after the way of self-observation that lies at the heart of social freedom), as well as an artistry of the invisible (seeing into the wellsprings of life). We work with social practitioners in many countries; our work practises ways of seeing through to spiritual and living essence in the social realm. During this week, we will work in such a way that each individual, and the group as a whole, will begin to recognise the paradoxical nature of intention (that to realise oneself one has to open oneself); the paradoxical nature of observation and thinking (that each both conceals and reveals the potential of the other), and the paradoxical nature of humanity’s relationship to the world (that the more truly individual we are, the more universal we are).

Allan Kaplan

Allan Kaplan is a development practitioner, teacher and writer.  He is the author of The Development Practitioner’s Handbook, Artists of the Invisible, and, most recently, Fugitive.  Also of A Delicate Activism, written together with Sue Davidoff. He was the founder and former director of the Community Development Resource Association, and is currently co-founder and co-director of the Proteus initiative (together with Sue) which works out of South Africa. He …