Anthroposophical Anthropology | YIP - The International Youth Initiative Program

Anthroposophical Anthropology

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11 Nov - 15 Nov - 09:00 - 12:00

Anthrophosophical anthropology is the title of the course in which we will look at the threefolded and fourfolded approach of the human being as develloped by Rudolf Steiner. Basic thoughts can be found in “Theosophy” and in “Study of man”.

Marcel de Leuw

Biography Marcel de Leuw, was born in 1948 in Someren, the Netherlands. He worked for many years as a teacher in a public primary school and later in a school for children with special needs, both situated in an underdeveloped quarter (achterstandswijk) in the Netherlands. He has been a teacher at the The Hague Waldorf School since 1976 and active …

The International Youth Initiative Program - Kulturcentrum Järna 13 - SE-15391 Järna -

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